User Research and Design of The Bill Paying App,




Creation of an app that aims to centralize bill paying into one app and unburden accountability in multiparty billing.


Allow the user to upload and manage bills within the app and invite other users to split bills with them. The app would have the option to automate payments, making bill paying easier and less stressful.


Users want to make sure that they are paying their bills on time. However, when dealing with other people when paying bills, users worried that others would not pay on time or forget to pay at all which would then hurt their credit standing.

User Research

We then set out to research to see what are user would be. We thought it would either be a college aged student that would use the app to split bills or someone in their late 40's that would use the app to keep track of their children’s spending. After user interviews we realized that our user would most likely be the college aged person. They would use it to split bills with roommates and friends. One of the biggest reasons was to avoid conflict when it came to paying bills. From there we created a user persona of Mindy who is a recent college graduate and a young professional.

Definition And Synthesis

After our user interviews we had a problem statement of "How might BilliUs consolidate and split bills in a way that relieves its users from having to hold each other accountable?" Our user insight statement was "Mindy, a recent college graduate, who is entering the workforce, needs a way for her and her roommates to manage their shared bills so they can pay on time, in a way that unburdens Mindy from having to hold her roommates accountable."


During our ideation phase we decided on our user flow. We decided on having the user:

  • Add a bill

  • Split a bill

  • View all bills

We then all individually came up with wireframe sketches to see what ideas came to us.


We then met and combined elements of each of our low fidelity sketches into a low fidelity prototype on Figma. By each brainstorming our own ideas we were able to come up with ideas that the other did not think or ways of doing it better. Some of the ideas were credit score testing and bill trends. We then tested our low fidelity prototype and were able to find a couple things to improve on but there were not a lot of major changes. For our high fidelity prototype we fixed the mistakes that we found during our user testing, added color that went with the color scheme of the logo, as well as adding color graphics where applicable.

User Testing and Outcomes

For our user testing we wanted to make sure the user could:

  • Successfully create a BilliUs account

  • Add a payment method

  • Upload a bill

  • Split the bill between themselves and another person

The feed back that we were able to get was that testers:

  • Were successful in creating an account within BilliUs

  • Were successful with importing a bill

  • Were initially uneasy about the credit score, security, and trends portion of the app

Conclusions and Future Opportunities

With an app that deals with bills and payment method we would want to make sure that it was secure and that our users would feel comfortable having there financial information on the app. Some of the future opportunities of the app would be a small business version that would make it easier for a business owner to manage those bills. Another future opportunity would be a business referral within the app. An example of this would be sign up with Netflix within BilliUs and link it and you will get 3 months free. This could help create revenue with that business partnership where applicable.


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